Committee and Cells w.e.f. 1st December 2024 till 30th November 2027

Anti Ragging Committee

NameProfessionAssociated with
Mrs. Clementina FernandesMunicipal CouncilorRepresentative of Civic Body
P.I, CurchoremP.I, CurchoremRepresentative of Police Administration
Bro. Esebio MirandaEditor of “Vavradeancho Ixtt”Representative of Media
Mr. Tony MenezesRepresentative of NGO
Mrs. Levita FernandesAdministrative StaffGAIHMCT
Ms. Jenifer MascarenhasStudent RepresentativeGAIHMCT
Mr. Daylan MascarenhasStudent RepresenntativeGAIHMCT
Fr. Joaquim RebelloChairmanGAIHMCT
Mr. Raynold D’SouzaOfficiating PrincipalGAIHMCT

Anti Ragging Squad

NameProfessionAssociated with
Fr. Walter MirandaManagerGAIHMCT
Mr. Rosario LeitaoService/StorekeeperGAIHMCT

Internal Complaints Committee

NameDesignationAssociated with
Mrs. Betty RebelloChairpersonGAIHMCT
Mr. Karl CorreiaMemberGAIHMCT
Mrs. Johncia CruzMemberGAIHMCT
Mr. Guilermo Da GamaMemberGAIHMCT
Mrs. Levita FernandesMemberGAIHMCT
Ms. Meghana Anil OdkarStudentGAIHMCT
Mr. Keshav TorlekarStudentGAIHMCT
Ms. Joshua CoutinhoStudentGAIHMCT

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

NameDesignationAssociated with
Rev. Fr. Ivo FernandesChairman/Convenor/GAIHMCT
Rev. Fr. Joaquim RebelloChairman (Management)GAIHMCT
Mr. Raynold D’SouzaCoordinator/Member SecretaryGAIHMCT
Rev. Fr.  Walter MirandaManagementGAIHMCT
Rev. Fr. Jerry VazManagementGAIHMCT
Mr. Brandon V. FernandesIndustry ExpertRepresentative of Hotel industry
Mrs. Clementina FernandesMunicipal CouncilorRepresentative of Civic Body
Rebelo Abner ConanAlumni RepresentativeGAIHMCT
Mrs. Mira FernandesParent RepresentativeGAIHMCT
Agnel FernandesStudent RepresentativeGAIHMCT
Mrs.  Levita FernandesNon-academic CoordinatorGAIHMCT
Mrs. Betty RebelloConvenor, Examination CommitteeGAIHMCT
Mr. Nicky FernandesLibrarianGAIHMCT
Mrs.  Johncia CruzClerkGAIHMCT
Mr. Karl CorreiaFacultyGAIHMCT
Mr.  Guilermo Da GamaFacultyGAIHMCT

Institute Industry Cell

NameProfessionAssociated with
Mr. Raynold D’SouzaTPOGAIHMCT
Ms. Betty RebelloMemberGAIHMCT
Mrs. Levita FernandesMemberGAIHMCT

Students Counsellors

NameYearAssociated with
Mr. Guilermo Da GamaFirst YearInstitute
Mr. Nicky FernandesSecond YearInstitute
Mrs. Betty RebelloThird YearInstitute

Committee for SC & ST

NameProfessionAssociated with
Mrs. Levita FernandesChairpersonGAIHMCT
Mr. Rosario LeitaoCo-ordinator, Member SecretaryGAIHMCT
Mr. Eugenio RodriguesMemberGAIHMCT
Mrs. Johncia CruzMemberGAIHMCT
Mr. Nicky FernandesMemberGAIHMCT

Tobacco Control

NameDesignationAssociated with
Rev. Fr. Joaquim RebelloPrincipalGAIHMCT
Ms. Lionel L. RodriguesSecretary
Mrs. Betty RebelloStudent CouncillorGAIHMCT
Mr. Raynold D’SouzaStudent CouncillorGAIHMCT
Mr. Karl CorreiaStudent CouncillorGAIHMCT
Mr. Nicky FernandesStudent CouncillorGAIHMCT
Mrs. Catherin DiasParents of Students
Mrs. Elsa RodriguesParents of Students
Mr. Nilesh CabralLocal MLA
Mrs. Piedade DinizMunicipal Councillor
Mr. Paul CarvalhoMedia Representative
Mr. Rosario LeitaoMemberGAIHMCT

Media & Intellectual Property Cell

NameProfessionAssociated with
Mr. Guilermo Da GamaChairpersonGAIHMCT
Mrs. Betty RebelloMember SecretaryGAIHMCT
Mrs. Johncia CruzMemberGAIHMCT


Follow Us

Phone: +91 7588660530
Address: Curchorem, Goa