Guardian Angel Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology founded in the year 1997 by Pilar Fathers and is run by Xaverian Education Society of the Goa Province of the Society of Pilar. It is a Christian Religious Minority Educational Institution Vide F. No. 246 OF 2008/30777 and is governed by Article 30 [1] of the Constitution of India.
Guardian Angel IHMCT, Curchorem completed 26 years of its establishment on 24th January 2023. This has been a pioneering venture in South Goa by the Society of Pilar [PILAR FATHERS] in the year 1997 Who have done yeomen services in these remote areas since 1952. Guardian Angel IHMCT.
Society of Pilar and Guardian Angels – “An Institution of High Ideals”
In the year 1951, Pilar Fathers took up the challenging Mission of Sanguem (Missao Central de Sanguem). When Sanguem Taluka was taken up for mission work, it had only a military Chapel at Sanguem, blessed in 1853, which at first had been affiliated to then Zambaulim Church, in the Deanery of Quepem. In 1858 the chapel was raised and a small edifice for the Church building was constructed at Government expense, however until 1920 Sanguem baptisms were all recorded in the books of Tilamol Church. By the provision no 16/51 dated 20th April 1951, the then Archbishop Patriarch D. Jose Da Costa Nunes, detached Sanguem from Kepem (Quepem) Deanery, and constituted it into a Central Mission Station entrusted to the Society of Pilar under a Mission Superior, with powers of a Dean. It comprised the entire Sanguem Taluka and some bordering parts of Kepem Taluka, and covered the then existing mission parishes of Sanvordem and Rivona and the outposts of Colem and Dabal. Members of the Society prior to its reorganization, had already pioneered there, but as they died out diocesan priests had taken over. These continued to work there for some time. Initially the society’s member Fr. Thomas Mascarenhas was appointed the Superior of the Mission of Sanguem, Fr. Aureliano Rodrigues was sent as chaplain of Uguem and Fr Roque Fernandes as Chaplain of Kurdi. In 1952, the parish of Rivona was taken over by the society, 1953 that of Sanvordem, in 1966 Dabal and in 1967 Colem.
Soon after Pilar Fathers entered Sanguem, there was an upsurge in mining industry in the Region and thousands of laborers flocked to this area. Sanguem became a big mining belt form Salginim and Netrolim to Costi, Dodomarg, Rivona, Dabal etc. From 1956 the Patriarch appointed one of the Pilar Fathers as Chaplain of the mines, with personal jurisdiction over the people working in the mines. These people had to face lot of problems due to the brutalization of man by machines. The Chaplain was in the forefront in fighting against injustice and in attending to their spiritual, moral and religious needs.
Vision statement
In keeping the vision of the Society of Pilar (C.56, D.41.1), Guardian Angel Institute of HMCT, Curchorem, has been established in order to express its solidarity with the underprivileged and to work towards their growth and development through education so as to enlighten their wisdom with Universal Human Values of Love, Respect and Trust enshrined with the motto “Shine as lamps & Empowering the Youth, Empowering the Nation”.
Mission statement
Keeping this vision uppermost in mind, this Institute was established with a special focus on our poor rural population in Goa.
To this end we will strive the following:
- To mesmerize the youth, women and deprived sections of Society, without any distinction of class, caste, color and creed, and to equip them with quality Hotel Management and Managerial Skills, in order to make them self-reliant, obtain gainful employment or to be self-employed.
- To reach out to the underprivileged community by creating an ambience through community services.
- To teach them to disseminate their skills with other needy people.
- To strive for better infrastructure and improvised curriculum for updated changing hospitality scenario.
- To enable people to develop a genuine and generous hospitality towards their guests and especially with the unfortunate sections of society.
- To train the staff, encourage their personal growth and development so as to further promote the goals of the Institute.